
By train
By train

There are direct international trains from Vienna 9 1/2 hours, Prague 17 hours and Budapest 6 hours.

There are eight trains daily from Timisoara, seven from Bucharest, five from Cluj-Napoca and Brasov. Check timetables on or Mersul Trenurilor

By bus
By bus

There are many buses arriving and leaving Deva Bus Station.The bus station is situated near the train station.The buses connect Deva with cities from Romania ( but also with cities from abroad (

By car
By car

To reach Deva from Arad take E 68.

To come to Deva from Timisoara you must take E 70 to Lugoj,continue from Lugoj to Faget and when you reach E 68,make right and after 15 km you are in Deva.

From Bucharest take A 1 to Pitesti,then take E 81 to Rm.Vâlcea and continue to Sibiu.From Sibiu take E 68 to Sebes,Orastie and Simeria.